dictator or democracy yard sign

Top Democracy Slogans for 2024

Democracy is the "it" word of this election season, and it's fairly easy to explain why it should matter to everyone. There are messages and slogans taking shape that will help us all permeate through the layers of chaos and misinformation that make it hard to be informed and engaged, two things that are critical for a democracy to survive.

The phrases listed below are the top selling slogans on signs available in our store.  Whether you say or display them, it's an opportunity to educate everyone  what's at stake:

Vote for Democracy
  • The fundamental message is to vote for candidates who will protect democracy.
  • Voting is the heartbeat of democracy, and citizens must use their power to vote for pro-democracy leaders at all levels of government.
  • This election is a vote for preserving democracy itself, which means voting for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.
  • Without democracy, citizens' freedom, rights, and votes no longer matter.

Dictator or Democracy
  • This is the most crucial and catchy slogan, highlighting that issues are secondary when democracy itself is at stake.
  • Donald Trump and the Republican party are actively working to undermine and destroy democracy to retain power, as evidenced by their "Project 2025" agenda.
  • Protecting democracy by voting against anti-democratic forces is the top priority.

    Women Will Save Democracy
    • Republicans have stripped away reproductive rights in many states, even criminalizing life-saving abortions, and plan a national abortion ban if they gain more power.
    • Electing Democratic majorities at all levels is crucial to restore and protect women's reproductive freedoms through national legislation.
    • Women understand the stakes and importance of voting for pro-democracy candidates in every race.


    Country Over Party

    • There are Republicans opposed to Trump's anti-democratic agenda, prioritizing democracy over party loyalty.
    • While policy disagreements remain, this is a moment to unite across party lines to uphold democracy and the rule of law.


    The importance of spreading these pro-democracy messages through yard signs, bumper stickers, and other media cannot be overstated. They educate the public, inspire engagement, and create a bandwagon effect supporting democracy.

    Each week, we publish new messages and designs on yard signs and stickers for sale.  We create designs with simple and memorable slogans that make it easy to share pro democracy messages within a community.

    Join our email list and get weekly updates on new sign messages, as well as other pro democracy merchandise available in our store.

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